Non-commercial legal entities
Non-commercial entities are organized for non-profit purposes. Actually non-commercial entities can gain profit but it must be spend on non-profit purposes.
Non-commercial entities can have different purposes like charity, sport, educational or cultural.
There are several types of non-commercial organizations according to law of the Russian Federation.
The most popular form is non-commercial partnership. The main advantage of it is that: its partners are not responsible for partnership debts. Also partners can be both people and organizations. Partners contribute their property to a partnership and they can have it back when they leave a partnership.
The other types of non-commercial legal entities are:
- Autonomic non-commercial organizations.
- Funds
- Institutions
You can have a free consultation on what type of non-commercial entity is most suitable for you. Our professionals will help you decide.
We bring local depth in every area of law affecting our corporate clients. Our lawyers will help to select the most appropriate
legal form for your objectives and efficient business structure as well as to formalize relations with Russian partners.
Registration, re-registration and legal support of legal entities is one of USTERRA’s main activities. We assist with registration of both commercial and non-commercial organizations and offshore businesses. The legal firm USTERRA is a leader in registration and re-registration of legal entities, including the most popular form of business formation in Russia – LLC (Limited Liability Company). We do our work promptly and efficiently. Legal firm USTERRA assures you results in initiating a company or a re-registration of your current business.